Sorry, No Snow Pictures

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Well, we have no snow pictures for you today. However, much to our surprise the truck was coated in ice when we got up this morning. ice-on-windshieldIt was cold, but the sun came out and it was a bright and sunny day. After devotions we headed back to Maysville. It was a much prettier drive today. After a few cloudy days we really enjoyed the sun today. pretty-drive

We started working where we left off yesterday pushing to try to finish up by tomorrow afternoon. We grouted the tile which completed that project. We all did a lot of caulking. The remaining trim was installed. We got all the holes where sheetrock had been cut for pipes, etc covered and textured. The bathroom ceiling was painted as well as more doors and baseboard. We all worked really hard and we were tired when we got home this afternoon. We are all staying in tonight so we will be ready to push to finish tomorrow. If you don’t remember, NOMADS work Monday-Thursday each week so tomorrow is our “Friday.”





We learned something new about our home for two more weeks. You may remember the picture we used earlier that said “Elmore City, Home of Footloose.” We didn’t know then that the movie “Footloose” and subsequent musical were “loosely based on events that took place in the small, rural, and religious community of Elmore City”. They have a Footloose Festival each year – this year will be April 22. Interesting little town. We will have to ask some of the locals more about this. We would like to hear more about what really happened here versus what was portrayed in the movie. Maybe we can ask some of the older members of the church when we have covered dish dinner Sunday. We will let you know what we find out.

We are responsible for devotional again in the morning so must go work on that. We have what we think are some good plans for Friday so check back.

One thought on “Sorry, No Snow Pictures”

  1. I read up a little about Elmore City after I saw your first picture. I’m very curious about the real story. Would love to hear about your devotionals even of it is just the verses you are reading.


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