God Is SO Good!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Today was a little cooler day and we had some good rain. No storms, just a good amount of rain and the grass is already looking greener. Of course, it also needs cutting.

Found walletThe big event of today was the recovery of Anne’s wallet. Didn’t want to admit it. Didn’t want to publicize being dumb. But, it had been missing since last Monday. We had been checking each day and nothing had been charged on any of the credit cards. Nothing at all looked amiss on our finances. We knew the last place it was used was Bed Bath and Beyond. We called and they said it wasn’t there. After tearing FRED apart looking, and retracing every place we had been, went to BB&B and asked again and they still said no. After looking everywhere at the house Saturday and yesterday, we had pretty much given up and decided that we would start canceling everything this morning. We had been praying about someone finding the wallet all week. When we had done everything we knew to do and given up, God sent us an angel. Last night we got a phone call from Liz at BB&B. She had found the wallet in their safe. She doesn’t know when or how it got there. We knew our phone number was not in the wallet because we had given away our last business card. However, Liz did an internet search and found our phone number and gave us a call. Wow! Such a relief. Just kept saying, God is SO good!!! He takes care of us. Picked up the wallet first thing this morning but Liz wasn’t working until this afternoon. We went back so we could meet her and thank her personally. She was so sweet. She lost her wallet a few years ago and remembered what an ordeal it was and said “I just wanted to see if I could help someone not have to go through that.” We tried to give her some money which she absolutely refused. We even tried to just order pizza for the staff but that was declined too. She said taking anything but our thanks would spoil it for her. Wow again! Some days God sends some really precious people into our lives.

The rest of the day was pretty insignificant by comparison.

One thought on “God Is SO Good!”

  1. So glad you found your wallet. There are still some good people out there. Happy Anniversary hope you have a blessed day. Much Love .


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